The Sales World Almost every event in our life is regarding sales. Therefore, if you know how to sell, you can be successful through sales. For example, achieve financial freedom. Financial freedom is a very subjective thing that you will have to define for yourself. In every task/work you do, you must have passion in it. Without it, you will never success.
Money only goes to those who are prepared. Prepared not only for every task/work you do, but do you prepared to be rich, because then money ↑, problems ↑. There, you will have to make a lot decisions. For instance, what to buy for yourself and you family?; should you borrow you money to your friends?, and so on. Besides that, when you have more money, you have more chances of making mistakes.
If you want to be rich people, please do not hate rich people. If you do not like rich people, you will never be a rich man. The theory is the same as this: if you do not like people who smoke, them you will never smoke; if you do not like people who rob, you will never be a robber; so, if you do not like rich people, you will never be a rich man. In conclusion, if you want to be a rich man, start from today onwards, like them (but no need to love them).
There are 3 types of sales person. It is totally depends on you what type of sales person you want to be.
1. Delivery man (售卖员): this is the most common type of sales person that walk on the street and ask people to buy their products.
2. Normal sales people (推销员): this kind of sales person will work a little bit harder to study the product knowledge and try to sell it to other people.
3. Professional sales person (推销家): this kind of person work very hard to understand their product and they will influence people to buy their products. They possess a high professionalism and fully respect themselves as a sales person.
The first step you should learn in order to be a successful sales person: Self promotion. Respect yourself, respect your job. Them only you will love your job and have passion in it. Do not look down at yourself as well as others who is a sales person. If you do not like sales person, you will like yourself as a promoter and therefore, you will never achieve good performance in your job.
8 ways to Self Promotion1. Appearance• Facial:
o Look fresh
o Personal hygiene
• Dressing:
o Neat and suitable to the environment
o Not too outstanding
2. Listening• Listening is more important than talking
• The principal of hearing:
o Concentrate: stop talking while others are talking
o Make people to express themselves more and help/guide them to present/organize their points
o Do not show unwillingness.
o Then only you will know what is their needs and things that they dislike
3. Smiling• Function of smiling
• Value of smiling
• Practice of smiling
o Learn how to smile. Enjoy the smile, enjoy your life.
4. Praising• Effects of praising
• Practice of praising
o If you do not know how to praise people, you cannot identify the strength and advantages of your colleagues/teammates/ subordinates. Then you cannot work with others and you will be at your own. And forever, you can only lead one people that are yourself.
o Tell the good things in life and do not always criticize and condemn people.
o The most powerful praising: pass on praising.
o Develop the positive thinking
o But do not simply praise. Praise the right people and the right thing/issue.
o Do have a heart of appreciation.
5. Enthusiasm• Unique of enthusiasm
• The source of enthusiasm
o Means burning heart
o Passion to your job
o It is a decision of life: how you decide for yourselves
o A lot of times, we can do it but it is only whether you want to do it or not
6. Concern• The importance of concern
• Ways of concern
o Do not give yourselves excuses to fail. Show your concern to your work
o Do not live on your own and you cannot live alone. Show your concern to people
7. Trust• Elements of trust
• Concern over clients’ benefits
o How to gain trust: shoe your concern to gain trust from people and do tell truth. Do not lie on people for they will not come back to you.
8. Memorizing names• To be a successful sales person, you must learn/work hard to remember clients’ names.
There are
5 elements in recognizing your potential clients1. Capability: amount of money the have
2. Authority: the one pay/make decision
3. Needs: what are the clients’ needs? The functions/features of the products
4. Reasoning: sometimes there are clients that are unreasonable. Face it but do not feel sad about it
5. Qualifying: the quality that they want
Conclusion What we have now or what we achieved now basically is not from ourselves. We take it from our parents, our teachers and whoever that gives us and teaches us. We are trying to copy others ideas for ourselves. Therefore, starts decide for yourselves. Choose the way/concept for yourself. Learn it and do it your own way. Do it or wait the success to come to you, but it will never happen if you do not work on it.
Practice makes perfect!